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Westgate Primary


As a parent or carer of a child aged between 5 and 16 years, you are legally responsible for ensuring your child accesses a full-time education that meets their needs.

If children do not attend school regularly, they may not be able to keep up with school work. It's not only the academic work that suffers; missing out on the social side of school life can affect your child's ability to make and keep friends - a vital part of growing up.

Studies have shown that children who achieve at least 96% school attendance or above have the best outcome from their education. 

Please see the following guidance for more information:


The school works with SEAAS to monitor and maintain our school attendance.

South East Attendance Advisory Service | significantly raising standards of attendance. (seaas.co.uk)


Being on time is also vital to your child's education. Arriving late is disruptive for your child, their teacher and other children in the class. Every morning our school gate opens at 8:30am and children can enter their classrooms from 8.30am to begin their early morning activities; the gate and doors close promptly at 8.50am. If your child comes through the front office after this time, you must sign them in and your child will have a late mark.

Pupil Absence

If your child is ill and is unable to attend school, you can report this via the Studybugs app before 8:30am.



You can also contact the school office via phone.

Phone: 01322 223382

Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

How to improve your child’s attendance

You can support your child’s regular attendance by ensuring:

  • A clear bedtime routine is established, with alarms set in good time.
  • Bags, lunch boxes and PE kits are organised and packed the night before they are needed, and homework is completed.
  • Medical and dental appointments are organised outside of school hours wherever possible.

We would like to thank our parents for their continued support ensuring their children are attending school regularly and on time.

If you experience any difficulties or feel you may need support in improving your child’s attendance, please contact Mrs Wood, our Attendance Officer, or Mrs Jones, our Pastoral Support Lead, who can offer support.

 A copy of our Attendance Policy can be accessed here:

Attendance Policy