Our Governing Body
Westgate Primary School's Governing Committee is responsible for the strategic direction and leadership of the school.
The Governing Committee usually meets termly to monitor how the school is progressing against its stated objectives.
Our Governors at Westgate have a variety of skills and backgrounds and they work closely with the Headteacher to ensure high quality learning is accessible to all of our children, according to their individual needs. This is achieved by monitoring the children's results and learning progress, ensuring the school is a safe and welcoming environment, and delivering within the confines of the school's budget.
Our Governors all share the same purpose: to support and challenge the Headteacher to ensure that our school delivers a curriculum that gives our children the skills and abilities needed to succeed in a challenging and fast moving world, delivered in a safe, holistic and enjoyable way that encourages our children into a lifetime of learning.
Below are some details about our Governors:
Who Are We?
Our Governors (ID 1356)
Louisa QuartermanChair of Governors
Louisa Quarterman
Louisa became a governor at Westgate in 2020 and is currently the Chair of Governors, as well as the link governor for safeguarding and curriculum. Outside of school, she works as a project manager in the construction industry, contributing to major infrastructure projects across the UK. In her role as Chair, Louisa provides strategic support to the school, using her project management skills to assist its development. After moving to the area in 2020, she volunteered as a governor to become more involved with the local community. Passionate about ensuring every child has a positive and enriching primary school experience, Louisa is committed to helping pupils thrive in their education and beyond. With her engineering background, she has also worked extensively to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics ) subjects, encouraging pupils to explore the wide range of future opportunities available to them. She welcomes contact from staff, parents, and pupils, and can be reached most easily via email at louisa.quarterman@westgate.kent.sch.uk.
Gemma DevineVice Chair (co-opted)
Gemma Devine
Gemma has been a Governor for Westgate since 2020 and is the current Vice-Chair of the Governing Body as well as the link governor for curriculum and safeguarding. Outside of her governorship, she works for a Local Authority as a Licensing Officer and Registrar, promoting public safety and community well-being on behalf of the Licensing Authority. The role of Vice-Chair means Gemma provides strategic support to the school and the Chair, using her knowledge of safeguarding, strategic planning, and policy writing; as well as her previous experiences as a teacher; to support the promotion of a strong, balanced and academically rigorous curriculum, where all children can thrive in a safe, inclusive environment. Passionate about public service and the development of rich and diverse educational settings, she supports and encourages the school to explore the depth of the wider curriculum and foster opportunities for every child to succeed, find their passions and grow tall during their primary education. You can contact her most easily via email at gemma.devine@westgate.kent.sch.uk.
Harnish DhotharCo-opted Governor
Harnish Dhothar
Harnish has been proudly serving as a co-opted governor since 2022. In her professional life. she works as a Finance Business Partner for a retail company and brings her strategic and analytical skills to her role as Link Governor for Pupil Premium and Sports Premium. She is passionate about children receiving a rich education and understanding the importance of diversity. Harnish can be easily reached at harnish.dhothar@westgate.kent.sch.uk.
Iyanka CoorayCo-opted Governor
Iyanka Cooray
Iyanka became a co-opted governor in 2024 and serves as the link governor for health & safety and wellbeing. As the father of a student at Westgate since 2020, Iyanka is invested in the success of the school and is committed to being a part of its journey in the future. -
Alejandra Perez VelezParent Governor
Alejandra Perez Velez
Alejandra was elected as a parent governor in May 2024. As a mother of a student who has been at Westgate since reception, and proud of his achievements at the school, she believes that parents can strive for even better. This motivates her to serve as a parent governor, aiming to make a positive difference in the lives of all students, including her own son.In her professional role as a Student Data Assistant at a local Grammar school, she brings personal insight and expertise to the governance of Westgate Primary School. She is passionate about using data to inform decision-making and improve outcomes for all students. Her experience will contribute to strategic planning, ensuring the school remains focused on continuous improvement and excellence.She is dedicated to ensuring that every student, regardless of their background, receives a high-quality education that prepares them for future success. She believes diversity enriches the learning environment, and every student deserves to feel valued, respected, and supported throughout their educational journey.Furthermore, she is committed to fostering open communication and collaboration among all stakeholders. She will strive to be a voice for both parents and staff, advocating for policies and initiatives that promote inclusivity, equity, and cultural sensitivity, supporting the well-being and academic achievement of the entire school community. -
Marielle AdeagaParent Governor
Marielle Adeaga
Mrs L CrosleyHeadteacher
Mrs L Crosley
Mr N HudsonStaff Governor
Mr N Hudson
Mrs K CollinstoneStaff Governor
Mrs K Collinstone
Interested in becoming a governor?
The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice chair are elected from among the governors for a two year term.
If you feel that you may have skills and abilities that may assist the Governing Body, or you have any questions, please contact either Mrs Crosley or Ms Quarterman via the school office and they will happily tell you about life as a school governor. Should a vacancy become available at Westgate you will be informed and you can put yourself forward. Please also visit Inspiring Governance or Governors for Schools to learn more about why schools need volunteers like you and the benefits and rewards of becoming a Governor.
Further Information
Westgate Annual Statement of Governance 2022-23
Westgate Annual Statement of Governance 2021-22
Cygnus Academies Trust Annual Statement of Governance 2022-23
Cygnus Academies Trust Annual Statement of Governance 2021-22
Cygnus Academies Trust Financial Reports
Memorandum of Association; Articles of Association; Funding Agreement