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Westgate Primary

Our Governing Body

Westgate Primary School's Governing Committee is responsible for the strategic direction and leadership of the school.

The Governing Committee usually meets termly to monitor how the school is progressing against its stated objectives.

Our Governors at Westgate have a variety of skills and backgrounds and they work closely with the Headteacher to ensure high quality learning is accessible to all of our children, according to their individual needs. This is achieved by monitoring the children's results and learning progress, ensuring the school is a safe and welcoming environment, and delivering within the confines of the school's budget.

Our Governors all share the same purpose: to support and challenge the Headteacher to ensure that our school delivers a curriculum that gives our children the skills and abilities needed to succeed in a challenging and fast moving world, delivered in a safe, holistic and enjoyable way that encourages our children into a lifetime of learning.

Below are some details about our Governors:

Who Are We? 

Our Governors (ID 1356)


  • Louisa Quarterman
    Chair of Governors
  • Gemma Devine
    Vice Chair (co-opted)
  • Harnish Dhothar
    Co-opted Governor
  • Iyanka Cooray
    Co-opted Governor
  • Alejandra Perez Velez
    Parent Governor
  • Marielle Adeaga
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs L Crosley
  • Mr N Hudson
    Staff Governor
  • Mrs K Collinstone
    Staff Governor


Interested in becoming a governor?

The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice chair are elected from among the governors for a two year term.

If you feel that you may have skills and abilities that may assist the Governing Body, or you have any questions, please contact either Mrs Crosley or Ms Quarterman via the school office and they will happily tell you about life as a school governor. Should a vacancy become available at Westgate you will be informed and you can put yourself forward. Please also visit Inspiring Governance or Governors for Schools to learn more about why schools need volunteers like you and the benefits and rewards of becoming a Governor.