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Westgate Primary

Year 6

Class Teacher: Mrs K. Collinstone

Teaching Assistant: Mrs C. Taylor

Year 6

Welcome Year 6. You have an exciting year ahead full of new challenges.

In the Autumn Term, we build upon our knowledge of biomes and the effects of global warming and deforestation on our world. We start with a trip to London Zoo to explore the different animals from a range of biomes and to understand how they adapt to the environment around them. Our debating question is: Global Warning! Which biome has been worst affected by humans? 

In particular, we focus on the rainforest and the tundra biome, investigating the climate, the layers of the biome and the animals and vegetation that reside there. To deepen our learning, we write diary entries of our trip to the (Amazon/ Conga/ Raintree) rainforest, describing the glorious vegetation and the devastation of the clearing. For Maths, we develop our understanding of place value to 1,000,000 and use a range of methods and strategies to solve calculations from the four operations including long division, using factors to divide and chunking. Phew!

In the Spring Term, our topic is World War Two. This will start with, “A day in the life of an evacuee” to immerse the children into what life was like and to develop empathy for the children of the past. In History, we learn about the causes of World War Two and the different phases in the Battle of Britain. We will make inferences and deductions using photographs and describe how children may have felt when evacuated. We will also evaluate the accuracy and reliability of sources. For Maths, our main focus will be to improve our understanding of fractions and using the four operations to resolve a variety of problems. 

The Summer Term is a busy term for Year 6 as we sit our SATS assessments bringing all we have learnt together. We still find time to learn about the ancient Greeks and answer the question - What did the Greeks ever do for us?

Remember to check our page to see our fantastic learning throughout the year!

welcome meeting 5 and 6 2024.pdf


Y6 Work Gallery


Year 6 Newsletters and Plans

 Y6 Autumn Newsletter  Y6 Spring Newsletter  

Y6 Summer Newsletter  

Topic Mid Term Plans Y6 Autumn Topic Mid Term Plans Y6 Spring 

Topic Mid Term Plans Y6 Summer