At Westgate Primary School all children, including SEN and disadvantaged pupils, learn by studying the following mathematical concepts throughout the school: number, calculation, measure, geometry, statistics and problem solving.
At Westgate, we want all pupils to leave Year 6 with a secure understanding of number and the ability to calculate, reason and problem solve with confidence, using a range of independent strategies to take responsibility for their own learning, including monitoring and correcting their own errors.
We teach Mathematics daily from Reception to Year 6 and base the content of our curriculum on the National Curriculum guidelines alongside following the White Rose schemes of work. We are also working in partnership with our local Maths Hub to further develop our mastery approach to mathematics within our school.
In Maths, fluency, problem solving, reasoning and relational understanding are at the heart of our learning progression. We use the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach and allow pupils to spend enough time to fully explore a concept, reinforcing it with practice, before moving onto the next. All new ideas are built on previous knowledge and understanding, and pupils have ample opportunity to develop relationships between mathematical topics. We provide a basis for pupils to develop their understanding of the world as they learn to reason mathematically and to develop an appreciation of the beauty and power of maths together with a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. As part of this, we want pupils to be able to accurately articulate their thoughts and opinions through the acquisition and use of key mathematical vocabulary.
We are proud to announce that Westgate Primary School were awarded the HSBC Smart Money Award for 2023 after completing the HSBC Financial Education programme this academic year. The programme aims to support pupils with their understanding of finance within the real world and teaches pupils how to manage money and develop financial independence.
- Number and Place Value
- Calculations
- Geometry
- Measure
- Statistics
- Problem solving
Mental Maths
In EYFS, basic counting and number recognition skills are developed using numbers from zero to 20.
In KS1 pupils develop their mental and concrete understanding of the relationship between numbers through daily mental maths sessions as part of the Mastering Number programme. This covers numbers up to 100 and enables pupils to develop their confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value, using a rekenrek to aid their understanding.
This is further developed in KS2, where pupils build upon their understanding of number using a wider range of mental, visual and abstract methods. They become increasingly confident to use more efficient methods of calculating using larger numbers. The learning of times tables forms part of this mental skills development, moving from the 2, 5 and 10 times tables in KS1 to the knowledge of all the tables up to 12 times and the associated division facts by the end of Year 4.
Development of concrete, pictorial and abstract understanding
From EYFS through to Year 6, new concepts are introduced using concrete, manipulative resources to establish a clear understanding. Learning then moves to a visual stage where understanding is developed through visualisation using pictorial methods, such as part whole models, number lines, bar models and annotated drawings. Finally, the concept is shown in an abstract form that is age appropriate. For example, grid method recording of multiplication in Year 3, moves on to vertical multiplication in Year 4.
Fluency, reasoning and problem solving
In EYFS, this includes solving simple maths problems using concrete resources to add and subtract small amounts and developing an understanding of the concepts of more and less and the ordering of numbers.
In KS1, pupils develop their fluency in the use of the four operations (=, -, x, ÷ ), and other mathematical concepts including simple fractions, shape and space, measure including time and money and the statistical representation of data. They then develop their reasoning skills about these concepts through solving simple problems and being able to articulate their reasoning through the correct use of mathematical vocabulary.
These skills are further developed through KS2 as pupils learn how to apply their fluency to increasingly complex, multi-step and multi-operation problems. The concepts covered include further work on fractions, percentages, decimal numbers and ratio.
Speaking and Listening in Mathematics
From the very beginning of their time in school, pupils are encouraged to develop their speaking and listening skills by working collaboratively with their peers through the use of co-operative learning techniques, such as paired and group discussions, role play activities and debates. These skills are further developed and extended within Mathematics lessons, where the pupils are given opportunities to use mathematical language to discuss their answers to calculations, working alongside their peers in class to answer reasoning questions and problem solving activities.
British Values
By connecting our British Values through the teaching of Maths, we explore issues that affect us all in our lives and this helps inform decisions that will shape our future, e.g. individual liberty where they work out percentages to decide whether they are saving money when buying discounted items.
Real Life Maths
We invited HSBC in to Westgate and worked alongside them to deliver their financial education programme across all year groups in our school.
The lessons provided were interactive, engaging and covered topics such as;
- Money maths - understanding value and numeracy
- Making choices - budgeting and connecting with my community
- Money management at work - employability and careers
Due to our success in the completion of this programme, Westgate were awarded the Smart Money Award for 2023.
Times Table Winners
We are proud to announce that Westgate were the WINNERS of the Times Table World Cup Regional Competition run by Emile. Both Year 3 and 4 took part and they earnt the highest total number of points by answering quick fire times table questions against other schools in the local area. What an AMAZING achievement!
NSPCC Number Day
Everything the NSPCC does protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow. The NSPCC need our support more than ever. By raising money, we can help to fund their vital services such as Childline – the helpline that’s always there for children and young people whatever their problem or concern. On average, a child contacts Childline every 25 seconds.
We are proud to support the NSPCC, by taking part in Number Day and 'dressing up for digits'; making Maths 'fun' and donating helps children to stay safe, feel protected and gives them the chance of the future they deserve.
NSPCC Number Day 2023