At Westgate Primary School, personal, social, health, citizenship and economic (PSHCE) education is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum. All children, including SEN and disadvantaged pupils, learn the following concepts and themes through our broad and balanced curriculum.
PSHCE Intent
At Westgate Primary School we aim to develop the qualities and attributes that children need to be healthy, independent and active participants in society. We develop these through the topics of British Values, Global Citizenship, Personal Safety, Health, Relationships and Sex Education, Living in the Wider World and Mental Wellbeing.
Our curriculum aims to equip children with essential skills for life, intending to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that develop the knowledge, skills and attributes children need to protect and enhance their wellbeing. Through these lessons, children will learn how to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, responsibly participating in society around them. Our PSHCE curriculum coverage is a vital tool in preparing the children for life in society now and in the future.
Our school uses the objectives from the curriculum outlined by the PSHE Association in conjunction with the Department for Education expectations as the basis for the planning in weekly PSHCE lessons. This ensures pupils have access to PSHE, HRE, RSE and Citizenship.
Key Concepts:
- Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Online relationships and Internet Safety
- Living in the Wider World
- Citizenship
- Basic First Aid
- British Values
- It's my body
- Britain
- Be Yourself
- Aiming High
- Money Matters
- VIPs
- Safety First
- Respecting Rights
- Growing up
- Think Positive
- One World
SMSC & British Values
By connecting our British Values through the teaching of PSHCE, we explore issues that affect us all in our lives and this helps inform decisions that will shape our future for example, by providing opportunities to think about and discuss PSHCE topics together; build character and help to embed British Values such as fairness and respect.
In the EYFS, ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’ is one of our Prime Areas. This is, therefore, a major focus in order for the children to develop successfully in all other areas. We teach this through everyday routines and behaviours as well as focused circle time sessions and child initiated opportunities.
Making Relationships
We begin the year by focusing on supporting play in groups and extending and elaborating on play ideas. As the children become more confident in school, we encourage them to initiate play, offering cues to peers to join them and to keep that play going by responding to what others are saying or doing. We model how to show friendly behaviour to each other and encourage the children to reciprocate this; initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults. We teach how to take steps to resolve conflicts with other children, which, by the end of the EYFS, gives the children the tools to play co-operatively, taking turns and listening to one another’s ideas in play. We aim for them to show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings and form positive relationships with adults and other children through modelling this ourselves.
Self-Confidence & Self-Awareness
We help to build the children’s confidence in their first year of school by encouraging them to become increasingly independent and responsible for their actions. Selecting and using activities and resources with help, carrying out small tasks and asking for help when needed. We also enable them to feel self- confident by offering praise, which we put value on through strong behaviour reward strategies. By demonstrating friendly behaviour in different social situations, during play and work, the children become more outgoing and confident to talk to others. Offering the opportunity to bring objects and photographs in from home; puts importance on the children’s personal lives; helping them to communicate freely about their own family as well as their interests and opinions. Through review sessions at regular points during the day, the children are encouraged to describe themselves in positive terms. By the end of the EYFS, we will have provided the opportunities for the children to become confident to try new activities, voice opinions, speak about ideas in a familiar group and choose the resources they need for their activities, saying when they do or don’t need help.
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
We have a strong ’family’ ethos at our school and from the start of the year we explain that some actions and words can hurt others’ feelings. We teach the children that we need to accept the needs of others, taking turns and sharing; expecting that sometimes they will need support from others. We provide sand timers and turn taking strategies to support the learning that needs and wishes cannot always be immediately met. Social skills games help the children to begin to be able to negotiate and solve problems without aggression.
This also supports them in becoming aware of the boundaries set and of behavioural expectations in the setting, particularly in understanding that own actions affect other people. Small, occasional changes in the routine; help the children to adapt behaviour to different events and social situations gradually. By the end of the year, these strategies allow the children to talk about how we show feelings and to talk about different behaviour and its consequences. They should be able to work as part of a group; understanding and following the rules. As well as this, they should show resilience in adjusting their behaviour to different situations, taking changes of routine in their stride. As the children move into Key Stage 1, the learning from EYFS is connected to help develop a greater understanding of the aspects of PSHE, Citizenship and Relationships.
Key Stage 1
Year 1
The children are taught about careers, aspirations and goal setting while developing resilience and growth mindset. They find out more about teamwork, new beginnings and cooperation, developing classroom skills like listening and making good choices. We introduce children to British Values in more depth, exploring neighbourhoods and communities, diversity and respect. They are taught about recognising and expressing emotions, skills of self-regulation and positive self-esteem. We incorporate healthy lifestyles, looking after your body, making healthy choices and consent. Financial education is introduced, including keeping money safe, shopping, saving and spending.
- Term 1- TEAM
- Term 2- Aiming High
- Term 3- Diverse Britain
- Term 4- Its My Body
- Term 5- Money Matters
- Term 6- Be Yourself
Year 2
We focus on personal safety indoors and out, including online safety, people who can help and the underwear rule. The children are encouraged to think about mental health and emotional wellbeing, developing gratitude, mindfulness and self-regulation skills. Fundamental human rights are introduced and how we can make sure that our rights and those of others are met.
We talk about special people in families and friendships, and how to care and be kind to them. Global Citizenship teaches about similarities and differences with other cultures and caring for the environment. Relationships Education is explored further, including RSE themes such as parts of the body and the process of growing up, keeping safe and consent.
The learning from Key Stage 1 is connected with Key Stage 2, where the children use their previous learning with more understanding to enable them to explore the concepts in more depth. They develop increased awareness of themselves and others as well as Global Citizenship. We begin to discuss changes in our bodies during puberty as the children move into upper KS2.
- Term 1- VIPs
- Term 2- Think Positive
- Term 3- One World
- Term 4- Safety First
- Term 5- Respecting Rights
- Term 6- Growing Up
Keystage 2
Year 3
We continue to develop resilience and growth mindset while learning about careers, personal goals and aspirations The children think about new beginnings, cooperation and teamwork, developing skills like conflict resolution and compromise. We cover British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance. The children explore recognising and expressing feelings, being assertive, media influences and making amends. We look at sleep, healthy eating, exercise as well as body autonomy and making healthy choices. The Money Matters unit teaches financial education, including advertising, wants and needs and strategies for keeping track of money.
- Term 1- TEAM
- Term 2- Aiming High
- Term 3- Diverse Britain
- Term 4- Its My Body
- Term 5- Money Matters
- Term 6- Be Yourself
Year 4
Our Safety First unit teaches children about online safety, road safety, dares, assessing dangers and when to seek help. We develop growth mindset, resilience, positive thinking and self-care. The children explore human rights and find out how to respect the rights of others. Friendships and relationships are explored further, including making friends, falling out and bullying and teasing. Global citizenship topics including human rights, inequality, climate change, sustainability and charity are covered. We talk about change and support networks.
- Term 1- VIPs
- Term 2- Think Positive
- Term 3- One World
- Term 4- Safety First
- Term 5- Respecting Rights
- Term 6- Croydon SRE Scheme LCs
- Term 6- Growing Up- LKS2 LCs
Year 5
We look into careers education such as aspirations, goal setting, equal opportunities, innovation and enterprise. Positive learning behaviour is promoted as well as co-operation, effective teamworking skills and children's responsibilities towards their classmates. British Values topics- Local and National Government, community, identity and how to make a positive contribution are covered. We look at self-esteem, assertiveness, recognising and expressing emotions and managing difficult situations. The children explore healthy lifestyles, personal hygiene, harmful substances, making healthy choices and body image. The Money Matters unit teaches financial education, including financial risk, being critical consumers, budgeting and value for money.
- Term 1- TEAM
- Term 2- Aiming High
- Term 3- Diverse Britain
- Term 4- Its My Body
- Term 5- Money Matters
- Term 6- Be Yourself
Year 6
We focus on online safety, behaving responsibly, assessing risk and what to do in an emergency. The children develop their skills of mindfulness and a growth mindset to develop a positive attitude, resilience and self-regulation. They investigate human rights and how rights respecting people protect and respect human rights around the world. Healthy relationships are discussed; including kindness, conflict, peer pressure and managing secrets and dares. We look into human rights, climate change, energy use, water conservation, biodiversity and protecting the environment. We develop the relationships education further; including body image, emotional changes, puberty, parts of the body, human reproduction and relationships.
- Term 1- VIPs
- Term 2- Think Positive
- Term 3- One World
- Term 4- Safety First
- Term 5- Respecting Rights
- Term 6- Growing Up LKS2 LCs
- Term 6- Growing Up UKS2 LCs
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