At Westgate Primary School all children, including SEN and disadvantaged pupils, study the Science curriculum outlined in the National Curriculum. It is organised through the study of scientific concepts and themes.
Science Intent
At Westgate we aim to inspire pupils by providing pupils with opportunities to develop their natural curiosity in our Science lessons. Through the design of the curriculum, we aim to increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world around them and ensure that pupils’ scientific knowledge alongside their working scientifically skills are built upon progressively, year by year, during their time at primary school.
We encourage pupils to answer questions using a range of scientific equipment, independently plan for and carry out enquiry, generate predictions and accurately articulate and explain concepts through the acquisition and use of scientific vocabulary. We ensure the pupils develop their Working Scientifically skills by testing, analysing and evaluating information, generalising and proving the wider implications of their evaluations, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of scientific laws.
Science is taught as mini topics throughout each full term in all year groups.
Enquiry Skills
- Asking questions
- Making predictions
- Setting up tests
- Observing and measuring
- Recording data
- Interpreting and communicating results
- Evaluating
Key Concepts
- Comparative testing
- Identifying and classifying
- Observation over time
- Pattern seeking
- Research
British Values
By connecting our British Values through the teaching of Science, we explore issues that affect us all in our lives and this helps inform decisions that will shape our future; for example, in Year 5, pupils learn about the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices and in Year 4, the pupils learn how their choices impact on the environment. Both of these areas link to the value individual liberty.
Science Areas of Study
Science at Westgate
Science at Westgate