Healthy School
We aim to improve our children’s understanding of nutrition and the need for a healthy lifestyle and this is fed through our curriculum. Each year group takes part in regular exercise and learning about the need to look after ourselves and the impact that poor health and nutrition can have.We encourage children to have a healthy lunch that contains a balanced diet of fruit and vegetable and provide water for the children throughout the day.
Ideas for healthy lunchboxes can be found at:
This website (see below) has lots of interesting information on living a healthy lifestyle, cooking and types of food.
It links to other informative sites and activities for primary aged children
We all know how important it is to keep our bodies in great condition, but do we know which foods we need to include more of and which foods to avoid?
Look at the Eatwell guide (below) and find out more about how you can make healthier choices by drinking 6-8 glasses of water day and looking closely at the labels on food packaging.